As I embark on a yoga teacher training foundation with the British Wheel of Yoga I think of how best to record my experiences, reflections and journey, and what better way (in the 21st century) than by blogging!? But as a dance artist who has blogged about my dance practice previously I contemplate the manner in which I will approach a blog, and documentation of my yoga practice. Well like most aspects of life there is an art to much of what we do whether aesthetic or functional... and since there is a deep rooted connection (held in the body) between my dance and yoga practice then why not explore and approach my study of yoga as an art study? The following blog aims to explore and document the Art of Yoga...

Sunday, 29 January 2012

'Some Thoughts to Ponder'

Still in the early stages of this art of yoga foundation study, personal and shared life journey, I have some thoughts to ponder with you, which come from some reading I stumbled across in a very old book a dear friend gave me...

"Who is man's great teacher? None other than man himself. Is it not he who reads the enigmatic signs at the crossroads of life, advancing his steps from birth to birth? Are not his senses sufficient to enable him to speak his earthly tongue? Does he not come a traveler equipped for the long journey of life? What mystery does the casket of his brain conceal? And is his heart not hidden away so that none can know what treasure is contains? Like a seed yielding its possession of a mighty tree, so too does man yield the divinity he conceals. We may clothe his naked form for a while, we may strengthen his limbs with food, we may shed some earthly light on his human path, put in the end it is he who grows by giants steps, it is he who speaks the immortal tongues, and it is he who vanishes when his play is played."

(Selvarajan Yesudian, translated by D.Q. Stephenson: 1979, p15)

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